Employee Benefits

Plumas District Hospital Photo

普拉玛斯地区医院致力于为您和您的家人提供全面而有价值的福利待遇. 澳门博彩开户送彩金要确保你能最大限度地享受澳门博彩开户送彩金的福利.

福利提供给全职员工每两周工作72-80小时,兼职员工每两周工作36小时以上. 有资格获得保险的家庭成员是合法配偶, Registered domestic partners, and Dependent children under age 26.

Most of the benefits listed below, such as the Health Benefit plan, 必须接受或拒绝在等待期后的资格. 在12月的年度招生期之前,参加的决定不得更改, unless you experience a Qualifying Event.

Paid time off (PTO) program

全职员工每年都有带薪休假(PTO)时间. 这个PTO用于节假日,度假,家庭紧急情况等.,由员工自行决定,并征得主管的同意. 兼职员工按每小时的服务按比例计酬. 雇员在获得福利待遇后立即开始累积专利商标权, 并且可以在30天的等待期后开始使用累积小时数(节假日除外)。.

Accrual schedule

<4.999 yrs. of service = 200 hours/year

5-9.999 years = 240 hours/year

10 or more years = 280 hours/year

Health Benefits

在连续服务30天后可获得受益状态. We offer a comprehensive Health Benefits package (Medical & Pharmacy Plan, Dental Plan and Vision Plan).员工承担部分费用,医院承担大部分费用. 雇员的供款是在税前基础上每两周扣除一次工资. 员工可以为自己和所有符合条件的家庭成员投保. Certain benefits may be unbundled.

The PDH PPO and pharmAcy plan

$2,000 deductible ($4,000 Family).PDH的覆盖率为90%,PPO网络提供商的覆盖率为70%,非网络PPO提供商的覆盖率为30%.$20/$35/$50/20% Pharmacy program.

Delta Dental premiere

$50 deductible, 100% for Exams & Cleanings, 80% for standard fillings & extractions, and 50% for crowns, bridges, etc., at a participating Delta provider.$1,500 Maximum Benefit payment annually. Orthodontics (Adult and Child) 50% coinsurance. $2,000 lifetime maximum per patient.

Vision service plan (VSP)

每12个月一次的WellVision检查共付20美元,每12个月一次的Contact检查共付60美元. 相框津贴每24个月140元或相框津贴每12个月130元.

Basic Life Insurance

在连续服务一个月后的第一个月提供.$20,000 Basic Term Life and matching AD&D insurance (coverage is Employee Only).Supplemental Life and AD&D for Spouse and Children is also available for purchase.

Voluntary Life Insurance

根据你的需要,你可以考虑购买补充保险. With voluntary life insurance, 您有责任通过每两周的工资扣除支付全部保险费用. You can purchase coverage for yourself or for your spouse; the minimum coverage level is $20,000 and the maximum is $300,000 or 5 times your annual salary (whichever is lower). Your spouse is eligible for 50% of your life insurance amount. Children are eligible for $10,000.

Voluntary Long Term Disability

受益全职员工可购买林肯金融集团提供的自愿长期残疾保险. 长期残疾是为了在你用完国家提供的短期残疾或病假后,长期保护你的收入.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

连续工作30天后可获得符合福利条件的状态. 这些员工有资格参加灵活支出帐户计划,以支付医疗费用或合格的日托报销. Through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis, 员工可以利用这一计划为自付医疗费用预留资金, dependent care provider costs, or both.

Retirement Plans

员工可以随时开始、停止和更改供款. Plumas地区医院将为符合福利资格的员工在工作一年后的第一个全薪期开始的退休计划提供工资总额的3%.

Credit Union


Employee Discount Bills

After 30 days of continuous service in a benefitted status, employees and their spouses, registered domestic partners, 和/或家属将免除在澳门博彩试玩送彩金接受服务所产生的任何免赔额和共同保险. 您还必须通过PDH或其他计划购买合格的保险, 获得的服务在你的保险范围内,并且是医疗上必要的.

Continuing Education Benefits

Tuition Reimbursement Program: Qualified employees, after 1 year with us, 是否可以根据及格成绩和所发生的费用证明获得高达400美元/学期的报销.

LVN to RN Step Up Program: To further your nursing career, 澳门博彩试玩送彩金将通过调整您的就业状况来支持合格的LVN, 保证在完成课程并获得执照后获得全职注册护士职位, and paying a total of $5,400 dollars for earning your nursing degree.

Continuing Education Days (作为全职或兼职受益员工在澳门博彩开户送彩金公司工作满1年后):全职员工每两年提供5天全薪日,兼职员工每两年提供2天的继续教育学分. 澳门博彩开户送彩金还为员工提供心肺复苏术和ACLS更新课程.

Other job "perks"

Discounted memberships with Sierra Saver / Flight Care
Reduced-cost personal cell phones
Continuing education – paid work days
Fabulous teamwork and atmosphere

Hospital events

“Employee of the Month” Celebration
Length-of-Service annual recognition dinner
Holiday Celebrations
For more information, 请致电(530)283-7169或(530)283-7120与人力资源部联系, or hr@linzhouxinxi.com.

本摘要页无意取代任何计划文件或计划摘要, 也不是资格保证或任何福利计划下支付款项的承诺. 请与人力资源部联系,索取有关现有福利的最新文件.

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